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The effect of crystal and polycrystal packaging containers in preserving the taste and quality of biscuits

Biscuit is one of the most popular and consumed products in the market, which is welcomed as a healthy and delicious snack. Biscuit packaging and biscuits are produced and supplied in different types and with different flavors. But what causes different biscuits to differ in terms of taste and quality?

In general, various factors play a role in determining the taste and quality of biscuits. including raw materials, production process, storage and transportation conditions, and biscuit packaging. In this article, we will examine the effect of crystal and polycrystal packaging containers in preserving the taste and quality of biscuits.

Why is packaging important to preserve the taste and quality of biscuits?

Packaging is a vital factor in preserving the taste and quality of biscuits. Because:

  • Packaging prevents the entry of external factors such as light, heat, moisture, oxygen, bacteria, fungi, insects and other contaminants into the package. These factors can increase the rate of spoilage, reduce the sensory characteristics, reduce the nutritional value, and reduce the shelf life of biscuits.
  • Packaging helps to maintain the shape, size, surface and distribution of sweets inside the biscuit. These features have a significant effect on the eye appeal and the consumer's sense of pleasure.
  • Packaging helps preserve the taste, aroma, color and texture of the biscuit. These features have a direct effect on customer preferences and loyalty.

Therefore, proper packaging is one of the necessary conditions for the production and supply of quality and delicious biscuits.

What kind of containers are suitable for packing biscuits?

Different containers are used for packing biscuits. including metal, glass, paper, plastic containers, etc Composite. Each type of container has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here, we will compare two types of crystal and polycrystal containers.

crystal dishes

Crystal containers are made of glass. These types of containers have the following features:

  • They are transparent and beautiful and help to attract the eyes of customers.
  • They are resistant to heat, light, oxygen and pollution and they help to maintain the sensorial properties and nutritional value of biscuits.
  • They are recyclable and help protect the environment.

But these types of containers also have challenges:

  • They are heavy and fragile and because of this they face problems in transportation.
  • They are expensive and therefore face higher costs in production and supply.
  • They are not able to absorb moisture, and for this reason, if there is an imbalance of moisture inside the container, it may change the texture or spread the sweetness in the biscuit.

Polycrystalline containers

Polycrystalline containers are made of plastic. These types of containers have the following features:

They are light and resistant to breaking, and therefore they can be easily used in transportation.

  • They are cheap and because of this, they face lower costs in production and supply.
  • They can absorb moisture and for this reason they help in maintaining the texture and spreading the sweetness of the biscuit.

But these types of containers also have challenges:

  • They are non-transparent or semi-transparent, and for this reason, they are less effective in attracting the eyes of customers.
  • They are less resistant to heat, light, oxygen and pollution, and for this reason, they are less efficient in maintaining the sensorial properties and nutritional value of biscuits.
  • They are non-recyclable or can be recycled with difficulty and therefore contribute to harming the environment.

How to choose the right containers from crystal and polycrystal options?
To choose the right containers for biscuit packaging, you should pay attention to various factors. Including:

  • Biscuit type: Different biscuits need different containers according to their raw materials, production process, shape, size, surface, sweetness distribution, taste, aroma, color and texture. Some biscuits need transparent containers to increase the eye appeal of customers. Others need containers that can absorb moisture to maintain their texture. Some also need containers resistant to heat or oxygen to maintain their sensory characteristics and nutritional value. Therefore, according to the type of biscuit, you can choose crystal or polycrystal containers.
  • Production budget: Different manufacturers have different budgets for biscuit production according to their production level, desired profit, competitiveness and sales market. Crystal containers are typically more expensive than polycrystal containers. Therefore, according to the production budget, you can choose crystal or polycrystal containers.
  • Social responsibility: Different manufacturers have different responsibilities towards the environment and society according to their goals, values, strategies and policies. Crystal containers are usually recyclable and help protect the environment. Therefore, according to social responsibility, you can choose crystal or polycrystal containers.

Packaging is a vital factor in preserving the taste and quality of biscuits. Different containers are used for packing biscuits. Including crystal and polycrystal containers. Each type of container has its own advantages and disadvantages. In order to choose the right containers for packing biscuits, one should pay attention to various factors. Including the type of biscuit, production budget and social responsibility.

One of the suggested single crystal designs for biscuit packaging, crystal packaging with designs Chocolate cup Is.

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