تک کریستال اولین تولید کننده ظروف بسته بندی زعفران و خشکبار

5 secrets of saffron packaging to increase sales in global markets

Saffron is a sensitive and delicate product that requires special care and protection during the production, processing and packaging process. Saffron packaging is one of the important and sensitive steps in this process, which has a direct impact on the quality, price, marketability and competitiveness of saffron. In this article, we will tell you 5 secrets of saffron packaging that can help you to increase your sales in global markets.

The first secret: choosing the right materials and dishes

One of the important factors in saffron packaging is choosing the right materials and containers to maintain the quality and properties of saffron. Saffron is a sensitive product that is affected by environmental factors such as light, heat, humidity, oxygen, chemical and microbial substances. Therefore, it is necessary to use materials and containers that have high protective properties and prevent the penetration of these factors into saffron.

Examples of these materials and containers are plastic, metal, glass, paper, cardboard, mica, aluminum, etc. These materials and containers should also be recyclable and degradable to prevent damage to the environment.

The second secret: choosing the right method and technology

Another important factor in saffron packaging is choosing the right method and technology to increase the speed, accuracy, efficiency and safety of packaging. Saffron is a valuable product that needs accurate and efficient packaging. Therefore, it is necessary to use methods and technologies that have the ability to adjust and change and operate automatically without human intervention.

Examples of these methods and technologies include automatic packaging, vacuum packaging, friction packaging, gas packaging and Other saffron packaging. These methods and technologies must also have the ability to evaluate and control quality to prevent packaging errors and defects.

تک کریستال اولین تولید کننده ظروف بسته بندی زعفران و خشکبار

The third secret: choosing the right weight and size

Another secret of saffron packaging is choosing the right weight and size to suit the product and the market. Saffron is a highly versatile product that can be packaged in different forms such as granules, powder and liquid. Therefore, weights and sizes should be used that can be transported and maintained and match the needs and tastes of customers. Examples of these weights and measures are grams, kilograms, liters, milliliters, centimeters, millimeters, etc. These weights and sizes should also have the ability to distinguish and identify in order to avoid confusion and mistakes by customers.

The fourth secret: choosing the right design and printing

Choosing the right design and printing to increase the beauty, attractiveness, legibility and credibility of the packaging. Saffron is a valuable product that needs packaging that has sufficient and correct information about the product, producer, consumer, destination and storage conditions.

Therefore, you should use designs and prints that have colors, fonts, images, logos, barcodes, production and expiration dates, etc. These designs and prints should also have beauty, attractiveness, legibility and credibility to gain the attention and trust of customers.

تک کریستال اولین تولید کننده ظروف بسته بندی زعفران و خشکبار

The fifth secret: choosing the right standards

Another important factor in saffron packaging is the selection of appropriate standards to increase the credibility and reliability of packaging. Saffron is a valuable product that needs packaging that has quality, health and environmental standards.

Therefore, it is necessary to use standards that have high credibility and trust and can be evaluated and proven. Examples of these standards include national, international, European, Islamic, etc. standards. These standards must also comply with the laws and regulations of the target markets to avoid legal and customs problems.

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