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3 main ways to distinguish real saffron from fake

Saffron is one of the most expensive and popular spices in the world, which has many healing, flavoring and coloring properties. Unfortunately, many saffron sellers, to increase their profits, mix saffron with other ingredients or offer counterfeit saffron as original saffron to customers. Therefore, for buyers of saffron, it is very important and necessary to distinguish original saffron from fake, especially if you intend to Preparation of saffron for export Have outside of Iran.

In this article or text, we discuss some simple and efficient methods to distinguish real saffron from fake. These methods include:

Sensory method

Smell: Original saffron has a special and pleasant smell that is similar to the smell of honey. Fake saffron is either odorless or has an unpleasant and unclear smell.

In this method, using the senses You can know saffron yourself. Some of the sensory points are:

Taste: Original saffron has a bitter and spicy taste. Fake saffron is either sweet or has no special taste.

Appearance: Original saffron has red and orange color and its surface is smooth and without wrinkles. Also, the head of saffron (pistachio) has a white and low color. Fake saffron is either brown, green or yellow in color or its surface is broken and powdered. Also, the head of saffron (pistachio) has a red color and a lot.

Method water in identifying the original saffron

تشخیص زعفران اصلی (روش آب)

In this method, by putting saffron in water, you can recognize saffron. Some tips of the water method are:

Time: Original saffron is not absorbed in water for about 15 minutes and does not give its color to water. Fake saffron is quickly absorbed in water and gives its color to water.

Color: Original saffron changes the color of water to yellow or orange and keeps its red color. Fake saffron changes the color of water to red or brown and loses its color.

Smell: Original saffron smells like honey and flowers. Fake saffron has an unpleasant and chemical smell.

flame method In identifying the original saffron

In this method, by placing saffron on the flame, you can recognize saffron. Some of the points of the flame method are:

state of: The original saffron will be burnt and turned into ashes by placing it on the flame. Fake saffron becomes sticky and plastic when placed on the flame.

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